"NEUROBIOLOGY OF SLEEP-WAKEFULNESS CYCLE", an international multidisciplinary Journal was founded in Georgia and the first volume was published in 2001. The Journal is published in English. The Journal is renewed in 2010. The "Neurobiology of Sleep-Wakefulness Cycle" is expected to be spread all over the world countries. The Editorial Board intend to publish the results of original basic and clinical investigations concerning the integrative activity of the central nervous system in humans and animals, such as:

  • Sleep-wakefulness cycle (Neurophysiological, neurochemical, neuropharmacological, neuromorphological aspects)
  • Learning processes and memory organization
  • Motivational and emotional behavior
  • Experimental, Theoretical and Review Articles would be welcomed. The articles submitted for publication should have a summary. The articles submitted for publication in "Neurobiology of Sleep-Wakefulness Cycle" will be send to two independent referees for review and published according to their reception order, having been discussed by the Editorial Board. "Letters to the Editor" will also be accepted, provided that they report new experimental material with its interpretation. This kind of articles will not be reviewed, but published after being approved by the Editorial Board. The articles also are accepted for editorial review with the understanding that the content has not been published previously except of a preliminary report and is not submitted elsewhere for publication. Furthermore, it is understood that they will have received the appropriate clearance and the approval of all authors necessary for publication prior to submission. Articles and any other materials published in "Neurobiology of Sleep-Wakefulness Cycle" represent the opinions of the authors and should not be construed to reflect the opinions of the Editor or Founders. Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that if it is accepted for publication, copyright in the article, including the right to reproduce the article in all forms and media, shall be assigned exclusively to the Journal. The Journal not refuses any reasonable requests by the author for permission to reproduce any of his or her contributions to the Journal. A complete set of guidelines for the preparation and submission of the articles is available from these site.

    Copyright © on all articles published in Neurobiology of Sleep-Wakefulness cycle is held by the Journal.